My Friends


"Mom! Mom!" I heard my daughter shouting in her room while I was in the kitchen.

"Yes, daughter? why are you shouting?" I said, but she never reply to my question.


While I was walking go to her room I heard a voice. I open the door but my daughter is not in her room. I thought she is in the comfort room that's why I went there, but I never see her there, my heart is pounding and I was so nervous, that's why I went to the backyard but she is not there and while I was walking go to the ground floor, all the scenario happened in that night flash into my mind.

"Mom!" my daughter said

"Why baby? " I said

"Mom can I go out?" my daughter said,

"Where are you going, baby?" I said

"I go to my friend's mom," she said

"Okay baby, be careful," I said

This is the third week that my daughter goes to her friend, that's why I was curious and followed her.


While she was walking, I was hiding in the tree, I see a house and I heard my daughter saying something.

"Hi my friend this is the third week we meet?" my daughter said but I never heard her talking back to her and after an hour there is something thrown out from the house, a big capsule, a capsule with a letter, a very old letter, and my daughter get the letter.

"Goodbye my friend this is my last mission to become your friend, I will do my best" she shouted

"If you finish your last mission you will become now my friend," said an old man with a scary voice.

"Okay friend sees you tomorrow," my daughter said to the old man.


After that, I run to go back to our house and do some household stuff to be not apparent that I followed my daughter, Then after a while, I heard my daughter's footsteps.

"Mom I am home," my daughter said

"Hi baby go to your room and clean your body we will eat after I cook," I said

"Yes mommy," my daughter said and go to her room

I see that she was holding the capsule.

After I cook, my daughter also finishes bathing


While we are eating, I see that my daughter can't eat well

"Baby, why do you look like that?" I ask

"Mom I am so tired, can I rest?" she ask

"Go on baby sleep well," I said

"Okay mom, goodbye see you," she said

I was surprised by what she said that's why I felt nervous and worried


While I was washing the dishes I heard a sound from her room, a loud sound, I go faster to her room and I see a black shadow, red eyes, no nose and mouth, his nail is so sharp, he is so big like a giant, and he has two horn like a demon and I know he is the old man from the house where my daughter always go.


"Nice to see you, my friend," the old man says with a scary voice

"What are you talking about? get out of my daughter's room," I said

"Sorry my friend, my new friend choose me and she is mine now," he said in a scary voice

"Mom don't ever cry, I will always be at your side, but I need to choose and I choose him, goodbye mom," she said

"Baby no! Baby no!" I cried loudly and after a minute my daughter and the old man disappeared, that's why I run away and go to the house


While I was running I heard a loud sound, and I know that was my daughter's voice, that's why I run quickly and I was scared of what I see


My daughter is full of blood, her bones are separated and broken, her brain is on the ground, and I know she is dead.


While I was crying the old man say something.

"My friend your daughter did well, she finished the mission, she is my friend now like you," he said

"How dare you say that I am your friend, your the one who kill my daughter, f*ck you old man, I will kill you!" I said loudly

The old man just smiles, a scary smile and he throw two capsules at me then he disappeared. The first capsule have my name on top and encircled a word that make me surprised, then I open the other capsule and I see my daughter’s letter.


"Hi, mom! I know you can read this letter after I died, but mom always put in your mind that I always love you and I will always protect that's why I choose myself over you. The old man gave me the last mission but I thought that mission is like killing a cat or a dog but that mission I so scary that's why I choose myself that choose you, goodbye mom, I will always love you".


I cried a lot and I was surprised that the letter that has my name and the other letter in the capsule by my daughter had the same written and that is. "Kill your Mom or kill your self" and I was surprised that my daughter died because she jump on the rooftop of the house because she choose to kill herself.


I go home silent and go to my room get the rope and prepare for suicide, but before I will kill myself the old man says a word.

"Illusion," he said.


Then I woke up from reality and I was on the ground floor, I thought all of the things is my illusion but all of that are true and my next target is the little girl in my neighborhood, she is the 40th girl and she was is on her last mission “kill your mother or kill yourself”.



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