I GOT FLOWERS TODAY BY: PAULETTE KELLY https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8VOsoflh0WU/hqdefault.jpg The poem entitled I got flowers today! by Paulette Kelly represents feminism, especially how women experience tragic life, domestic violence, and adversity, from a man or their husband. The poem is all about the life of an abused woman with the gift of flowers used as an apology for a tortured life, rather than a symbol of love and affection, this poem wants to awaken us that other men are abusive to their women or wife, this poem wants us to open our mind that we need to have respect to woman, we need to love them not to torture, we need to do our best to make them happy and not to make them cry, and we need to treasured and take care of them. In life, every person having a life is very important so we need to have equality, equality of rights, so women will get respect and not experience domestic violence, so as a man we need to love, and give attention to women, don't ever fool t